Taxonomy: f. Dilepididae
Animal: Dipylidium caninum 20.03.jpg
Various developmental stages of Dipylidium caninum dissected from the haemocoele of C.felis felis reared at different temperatures and humidities - SEM. 31. oncosphere surrounded by flea haemocytes and agglutinated material from flea reared at 20C/3mm, 22 post infection (pi); 32. developing metacestode from adult flea reared at 25C/3mm, 20 days pi, 33. cercomer (c) of the developing metacestode in adult flea reared at 25C/3mm, 22 days pi; 34. developed metacestode from adult flea reared at 30C/8mm, 13 days pi; 35. developed metacestode from adult flea reared at 25C/3mm, 24 days pi and then after 5 days fed on a rat; 36. fully developed and withdrawn metacestode from adult flea reared at 25C/3mm, 24 days pi and then after 5 days fed on a rat. (H- flea haemocyte, o- oncosphere, oh- oncospheral hooks, r- rostellum, rh- rostellar hooks, s- sucker) - (Pugh RE 1985 PhD thesis - see bibliography).
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